Tuesday, 24 April 2007

burst and sell

Google you think has cracked it. No dishonesty no underhanded behavior. Just helping people make money with beatific smiles slapped on their faces
sponsored ads are the bane of human existence
they are on every darn site out there
what do they do?
they count on a small percentage of people mindlessly clicking links

lets take an example:
you want to find out how plants harness sunlight

Route 1: sit in front of a plant and ponder the mystery
Route 2: google for it
End up at a site that shows the latest research on photosynthesis
About how quantum mechanics is what its all about
You are lost
Your mind is tired from the talk about molecular communication
Your eyes drift
Towards a sponsored links box
That says "photo equipment hire"
You click on it
Someone makes a few cents
You eventually end up at a porno site

Does it matter which route you took

The dotcom bubble burst for the simple reason that it did not make business sense

When an idea starts to make business sense, the idea is facked.
Business kills ideas and sells the entrails
At a premium

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