Why do you need credit for something you presumably invented?
Hang on, its not about credit, its about business
If you were the kind of person who felt insecure enough to 'patent' an idea you had, you are probably not the inventor
for the simple reason that you cannot do anything of value while also being scared of how other people are going to steal your ideas. The two are somehow not compatible. I would love to be wrong.
Einstein has patents. Was Einstein made of substances not available in the universe
There is no such thing as an invention. only borrowed and polished ideas with layers added.
Did you say 'references'?
Dear Mr.misinformed patentseeker, how about making that huge list of references, going back all the way to 3500 BC, to the inventor of the wheel (not the australian jackass), and while you are at it, could you please make sure portions of the money you plan to rake in go to his descendants?
Or better still, stay still and listen to yourself breathe.

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