Monday, 20 August 2007

Breath Control

Everyone would like to choose exactly the level of civilization that they are comfortable with.
Little do they realize that along with that ever so useful light bulb comes a whole suite of
annoyances; at the very least, someone needed to make the glass and die from it so you can sit in
bright light in the dead of night and consume a little more when you were supposed to be sleeping

The human body is a machine. self repairing to some extent, but there are only so many run cycles that it can do. Each breath you breathe uses some of those cycles and also helps in the self repair. If you control your breath so that you used the least number of cycles, causing least damage and effecting maximum self repair...

You'd still be facked

In the process of controlling your breathing, apparently, something else happens which makes it obvious that you are no different from your washbasin, or that you had imagined your washbasin all along, depending on who told you how to control your breath.
When that dawns on you, you are hopelessly lonely in the conventional sense of the word,
but loneliness occurs only if there was someone around to remind you of it....
Your washbasin cannot remind you ...

There is no need to talk ... hell there's nobody left to talk to

Yes... it uncannily looks like a description of death...

Consumption is the basis of life.
Too much is death.
Moderation is slow death.
Very minimal is slower death

What's your choice

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