Monday, 1 October 2007

Dearth of Leaders - part 1

IHT recently interviewed LKY. Excerpts from that interview can be found here.

I think the beauty of what an illusionist does is that ...well, you know it's impossible.

Some minor cynical observations follow...[* BTW == Behind the words]

LKY: First, to understand Singapore, you've got to start off with an improbable story. It should not exist

BTW: The classic illusionist opening act...look... no rabbit in the hat

LKY: To begin with we don't have the ingredients of a nation, the elementary factors, a homogeneous population, common language, common culture and common destiny.

BTW: Who does? Not even Burundi.

LKY: Thereafter, we knew that if we embarked on any of these romantic ideas, to revive a mythical past of greatness and culture, we'd be damned.

BTW: Instead we embarked on a mythical future of becoming Caucasian

LKY: ...populating at fast speed (laughs)

BTW: Laughing at the dirty physics? or is he slyly encouraging Singaporeans to procreate faster than the neighbors?

LKY: ...We'll go back to the fishing village we once were.

BTW: Which would be just fine if the entire world turned to fishing?

LKY: I'm giving you the answer of a pragmatist.

BTW: The classic illusionist act 2.... I'm doing it right before your eyes

LKY: I do not see any tribal leader, any democratic leader, any dictator telling his people, "We are going to forgo growth. We are going to consume less. Travel less. Live a more spartan life and we'll save the earth."

BTW: Might not the principal reason for that be that societies based on consumption, like Singapore, do not encourage such leaders?

LKY: For the top 20 percent of the population,
there are no constraints there.

BTW: Um... makes one wonder about the other 80%... whom he does not talk about. I know...they are the ghosts in blue uniforms who clean the streets on Monday morning. lets stuff them with Durian and Kuay teo; then there wont be
any place left for thoughts. Heartlanders. what an endearing term.

LKY: Well, I cannot say that we will not lose it. If we lose it, then we're done in. We go back to where we started, right?

BTW: Is he asking the interviewer from IHT? Nah...he's asking his real audience. The Singaporean people. He might as
well say, "If you buggers start spitting on the streets, I can guarantee that you wont get that shiny new iphone and similar such stuff that I've made you hanker for"

LKY: Let the historians and the Ph.D. students work out their doctrines. I'm not interested in theories per se.

BTW: I wonder why they are encouraging Singaporeans to work out doctrines and get their Ph.Ds. Oh wait... that's a "Doctor of Phalsehood"

LKY: But I see a need to mitigate wherever we can through green technologies. Less CO2 and try to prolong the period of adjustment.

BTW: The word 'adjustment' coming from the clinically precise LKY spells doom for Singaporeans

LKY: ...You can be the greatest leader in the world...

BTW: Ahem...

LKY: It's meritocratic. And it works.

BTW: All merit is relative to my own. And that's really why it works...

LKY: So please do it and do it well. We are ideology-free. What would make the place work, let's do it.

BTW: The closing message from the messiah.. for consumption by all Singaporeans who value their paychecks and don't want to get caned.


  1. This is eye opening! After reading this blog, one realizes that the picture extends beyond the frame and there will always be people who try to restrict the beauty of life within a frame that suits them. The "illusionist" creates a reality that suits him. The world needs more of such writers who break this false frame and explore a wonderful reality that suits us ..

  2. very intelligent work. I'm impressed.
