An atheist is one who looked for god and did not find him; neither in his closet nor in the mall.
If he did start out looking for god, either he wanted a god to exist or he's a zoologist looking for a new species.
If he wanted god to exist and having failed to find him, starts saying that he does not exist, he assumes the responsibility for having looked everywhere in the universe and found no evidence.
Putting the onus on someone who believes that god exists to prove the existence of god is a schoolboy or at best a pampered diva argument; "I say it therefore it is. You prove it otherwise if you want"
Now to the real question. Would an atheist like to be proven wrong?
- If you would, then you aren't an atheist
- If you wouldn't, then you are as attached to the idea that god does not exist as a theist is to the idea that god exists. What's the difference?
- If you're indifferent, then you're just a cocktail party atheist; a mere piece of plastic from a Lay's® potato chips packet that floats with the squalid current.
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